Sharing knowledge and removing barriers is crucial for the success of the Soil Health BENCHMARKS project. Therefore, within this glossary, we aim to collect and identify project relevant terminology and accepted scientific definitions on ecosystem services, soil functions, soil indicators, and soil health from previous and existing EU projects, national initiatives and the scientific literature.
Language barriers are identified and some of the definitions are translated into accessible and understandable language for stakeholders.
The glossary has a flexible structure that allows updates and feedback throughout the project and beyond. With this aim, feedback is collected after the definition of every single word, from anyone that would like to contribute to enhance or work.
- Above-Ground (Vegetation) Biomass
- Agriculture
- Agroforestry
- Allotments
- Animal management
- Arable land
- Artefacts
- Below-Ground Biomass (Root biomass)
- Benchmark
- Biodiversity
- Biodiversity management
- Blue-green infrastructure
- Built-up areas
- Bulk density
- Carbon and nutrient management
- Carbon sequestration and climate regulation
- Citizens
- Citizen science
- Contaminant
- Contaminated site
- Cooperatives
- Cultural
- Decision Makers
- Deforestation
- Disease and pest regulation
- Disturbance management
- Ecosystem
- Ecosystem services
- Excess nutrients
- Fallow
- Forest
- Forest cover
- Forest expansion
- Forest ownership
- Forest private ownership
- Forest public ownership
- Gardens
- Grassland
- Grazing management
- Green corridors
- Habitat provision
- Indicator
- Initiatives and NGOs
- Integrated Soil Health Monitoring Framework (ISHMF)
- Knowledge and Education Actors
- Land
- Land cover
- Landscape heterogeneity
- Landscapes
- Land Stewards
- Land use
- Land-use change
- Lighthouse farms
- Lighthouses
- Local
- Managed soils
- Management practices [based on MP catalogues from T2.3]
- Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV)
- Monocrop
- Monoculture
- MRV Actors
- Multiple use forest
- Multi-species system
- Multi-stakeholder Process (MSP)
- Natural capital
- Nature-based solutions
- Nutrient cycling
- Outcome metrics
- Parameter
- Peri-urban forests
- Pest management
- pH
- Pollutant
- Pollutant management
- Practice metrics
- Production Forest
- Protection forest
- Provisioning
- Public Actors
- Recreational use management
- Reforestation
- Regeneration
- Regions
- Regulation and Maintenance
- Result metrics
- Salt-affected soil
- Sample
- Soil
- Soil biodiversity
- Soil capability
- Soil condition
- Soil contamination
- Soil degradation
- Soil descriptor
- Soil district
- Soil ecosystem services
- Soil erosion
- Soil fertility
- Soil Functions
- Soil health
- Soil Health Advocates
- Soil health assessment
- Soil health index
- Soil Health Indicators
- Soil management
- Soil management practices
- Soil nutrients
- Soil organic carbon
- Soil organic carbon stock
- Soil processes
- Soil productivity
- Soil properties
- Soil protection
- Soil quality
- Soil Regulator
- Soil resilience
- Soil sealing
- Soil security
- Soil Stewards
- Soil structure
- Soil threat
- Space
- Stakeholder
- Stats
- Supply Chain Actors (or private actors?)
- Sustainable soil management
- Technosols (including constructed Technosols)
- Terrain management
- Threshold
- Urban agriculture
- Urban forestry
- Urban green infrastructures
- Urban parks
- Urban system
- Urban/ urbanized areas
- Vegetation cover
- Vegetation management
- Water management
- Water regulation and purification
- Weighting factor