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LAND COVER (LC) = physical cover (“material”) observed at the earth’s surface. The main classes in the LUCAS land cover nomenclature are as follows:

A00 Artificial land
B00 Cropland
C00 Woodland
D00 Shrubland
E00 Grassland
F00 Bareland
G00 Water
H00 Wetland

Eurostat (2018) ‘LUCAS 2018 Technical reference document C3 Classification (Land cover & Land use)’, 2018, p. 98.

Policy definition:

The physical and biological cover of the earth’s surface.

European Commission (2023) Proposal for a Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience. Available at: https://environment.ec.europa.eu/publications/proposal-directive-soil-monitoring-and-resilience_en.

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