European Carbon Farming Summit 2024
European Carbon Farming Summit 2024
05-07 Mar 2024 | Valencia, Spain
The European Carbon Farming Summit supports high-level conversations to shape up robust carbon farming markets and policies. It represents a space for sharing knowledge and experiences, upscaling solutions and enabling the multiplication of climate actions across the EU.
The summit will be articulated in order to progress on the three pillars of robust carbon farming.
Eleven technical conversations are intertwined with the summit, with the ambition to remove the most important barriers for the upscaling of carbon farming. You can view the updated programme for the event here.
Who should attend:
Researchers and Scientists – Keep up with policy development and engage your peers in identifying robust climate actions.
Policymakers – Understand the scientific grounds to develop impactful policies and unlock market opportunities.
Economic Actors – Lead the transition to a net-zero economy and stay tuned with potential market trends.
NGOs – Contribute to establishing the conditions for climate actions and sustainable development to work together.
Land Managers – Bring your experience on how carbon farming can lead to the sustainable transformation of crop production.
Carbon Project Developers – Gain a comprehensive understanding on how to better engage and lead local operators.
Registration will open on 15 December 2023.
Submit a contribution to the summit, for more information, please read here.
A very dynamic event with plenty of opportunities to network and build positive solutions.

05-07 Mar 2024 | Valencia, Spain
Credible EU Carbon Farming, Innova, Climate-KIC
Fundación Universidad - Empresa de la Universitat de València
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3. 46001 Valencia, Spain